* There are two ways to turn on the projector: * There are Two ways to connect to the Projector: Airtame ( How to use Airtame ) If you don't have Airtame, IT will need to install it on your PC If you do have Airtame, you'll need to be connected to HRA Staff Wifi or be connected to Ethernet. After you o…
Admin Staff: John Doe | Awesome Specialist 1104 England Dr. | Cookeville, TN 38501 Office: (931) 123-4567 | Mobile: (931) 123-4567 | DD: John Doe | Director of Awesome 1104 England Dr. | Cookeville, TN 38501 Office: (931) 123-4567 | Mobile: (931) 123-4567 HRA: John Doe | Aweso…
1. Open gmail.com and click on the gear icon in the upper right hand corner. 2. Click "See all settings" 3. In the first Tab "General" scroll down to the signature section. 4. Click "Create New" and name your signature. 5. Type your signature or Copy and Paste a template in the text box: …